
What We Do

The Fun Stuff.

Posts tagged Strategic
Strategic Consulting

It's the "little stuff" like key message development and social media strategies. It's the "big stuff" like developing comprehensive communications plans and complex campaigns. For every project of every size and shape, Janine helps clients cut through the clutter to clearly identify their communications goals and needs. Janine works with many non-profit organizations, and understands the need to make a big impact on a small budget. Choosing the right communication tactics to match your message to your audience and your desired results makes all the difference.

Smart, Strategic & Simple as it needs to be – that's Janine's approach.


People don't read copy. They read what interests them. That's why Janine works hard to use just the right words, tone and cadence to really make your copy sing. Whether it's light-hearted and fun or a serious technical topic, Janine "gets it." She's a trusted copywriter who captures both the personality – as well as the important impacts – of clients' organizations to bring your audience closer. Sometimes it's finding just the right hashtag or headline. Other times it's "translating" a complex idea so it's accessible to a wider audience. Or maybe it's crafting an annual report or website that tells a broader story. No project is too big or too small.

At the end of the day, copy that works is copy that gets read.

Lizanne HartFun, Strategic, Effective, Smart